Heroin, commonly referred to as smack, is an opioid made from morphine, a natural substance extracted from the seed pods of certain poppy plants. It is often found in white, brown powder, or sticky black form (black tar heroin). Heroin is one of the most addictive substances, causing intense feelings of euphoria and relaxation, which lead users down a path of physical and psychological dependency.
How Heroin Effects the Body

Short-Term Effects :
- Intense euphoria followed by a state of drowsiness.
- Reduced respiratory function, often leading to slowed or stopped breathing.
- Flushed skin, dry mouth, and heavy feeling in limbs.
Long-Term Effects :
- Brain Damage : Heroin significantly impacts the brain's white matter, affecting decision-making and behavior regulation.
- Organ Failure : Prolonged use damages vital organs like the liver and kidneys.
- Dependency : Severe withdrawal symptoms such as pain, restlessness, and vomiting make quitting extremely challenging.